May 6 - 2025

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The argument the two-handed cataract surgery in veterinary ophthalmology


2-5 October, Ghent Belgium - 2025

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January 28 - 2025

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Laser in Ophthalmology
Just a bright light in the eye?

Main Speakers: Dr. Stefan Kindler


Aims and Statutes

The European Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology (ESVO) was established in 1985 in order to promote veterinary ophthalmology. Since then it has expanded to become the largest European association devoted to this discipline, with hundreds of members from virtually every European country.


Sponsor of webinars

Products specifically designed for veterinary ophthalmology


Ophthalamological Research


What We Do


We support scientific activities and continuing education, creating a network between veterinarians and students with a special interest in ophthalmology.


A primary mean of achieving these goals is an annual, international meeting.


Dozens of research and clinical articles were presented at the meeting, as well as special workshops.


The ESVO is also committed to encourage and promote adequate ophthalmological training for graduate students


Membership dues entitle ESVO members to:


  • Access to restricted areas of the website
  • Reduced subscription rates to the Veterinary Ophthalmology Journal
  • A membership certificate which may be displayed in your clinic
  • Be eligible to an award that is handed out at the annual meeting, for the Best Presentation, in the amount of 500€.
  • Participation in the annual Business Meeting


Why join us?

Veterinarians from countries with national ophthalmological societies can join the ESVO through their national society and enjoy a discounted membership rate.
ESVO requires much more from its members than the payment of annual dues in order to succeed and prosper. All ESVO members are encouraged to attend the annual meeting, submit papers, and contact the Executive Board members with any ideas or suggestions they have to help improve the society and advance its goals.

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